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Marta i Nevena na finalu Wimbledon-a

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Kako su studetnkinje Wimbledon School of English-a, iz Srbije, Marta i Nevena, provele jedan dan na Henman Hill-u i kako je Novak Đoković reagovao na njih…

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Our students Marta and Nevena from Serbia went to watch the Wimbledon Men’s Singles Final yesterday and they had a truly unforgettable experience. Both girls love tennis and are big fans of their fellow countryman Novak Djokovic. This was an event they just couldn’t miss and today they filled us in on what happened.

Marta and Nevena didn’t have tickets for the match so they took a tent down to Wimbledon Park and decided to camp. At 5am the next morning they woke up and the queue started moving, there were about 5000 people queuing in total so they were lucky to get in. By 10am they were inside the grounds and headed straight for “Henman Hill”.

Once inside they met some other supporters from Serbia and they spent the day together. They had flags, t-shirts and were definitely some of the loudest supporters in there. Nevena told us that most of the crowd were supporting Federer so they were screaming extra loud to show their support for Djokovic. The girls and their friends looked great wrapped up in the Serbian flag and they were filmed for the BBC.

As we all know, Djokovic was the best man on the day and won the 2015 Wimbledon Tennis Championships. When he appeared on the balcony with his trophy, Marta, Nevena and their new friends from Serbia shouted “Nole mi te volimo” (Novak, we love you) and began chanting “Novak, Novak, Novak…” If you look at the video footage, you will see him blow a kiss. That kiss was for our girls from Serbia!

Later that day Djokovic was walking from one part of the complex to another and Nevena called to him in Serbian. He smiled, took a tennis ball from his pocket, and threw it to her. The perfect end to a perfect day! The girls chose Wimbledon School of English because they knew the tennis championships would be on while they were studying. But if we had told them all of this would happen, do you think they would they have believed it?
